Transcript And Book Excerpts

We have done literally thousands of Willow Readings over the years. Most of them have been for private clients. No matter how profound or interesting any of these sessions may have been, our “Absolutely no Disclosure Policy” precluded release. That said, we have created a series of questions for the Willows and are currently cataloguing them for release in the near future. In the interim, here is little taste for your interest.


If someone loses a job or becomes financially challenged, does it have to be seen as negative? Can you comment on how to develop a positive view?


Yes. And do realize that there is no panacea. We do say to all those who hear or read these words: LET GO OF CONTROL. Alternatively, believe you can take charge of your life and create your own destiny along the way. By letting go of control you will relieve yourself of restriction and constriction. You will release fear, uncertainty and most important you will let go of your misunderstandings, particularly the belief that anything is permanent.

When you let go of Control you will soon discover it is you that is really in charge. When you take charge of your life you may take note of what is occurring around you and then consider the advantages, talents and abilities you hold in your life. Examine all of your abilities, whether you are using them or not. Consider everything: your emotional strengths, your ability to love, your coping skills, your adeptness for change as well as your personal and professional interests. If you are an out-of-stock stockbroker, you might turn an interest in camping and being outdoors into conservation or ornithology. Begin to look at your hobbies and interests and determine how personal passions can become new pathways to continue your life walk. This is where taking charge of your life begins. It will add flexibility, direction and peace to your experience. After all, who is better at directing you than yourself?


Do we choose our earth experiences beforehand?


All of you have chosen to come to the earth to experience. You are wondering if you chose your experience prior to birth. It’s the same as saying that you created a life script prior to arrival and then upon birth became the main character in your script. Life doesn’t quite work in this manner. If everything were predestined and prearranged then there would be neither opportunities for alternative movement in life, nor any openings for growth. Physical existence would merely be an occasion to become an excellent actor playing out your life script while your opportunities for choice became non-existent.


What about the belief in Karma and predestined experiences?


Regarding the intervention of the fates – for those who believe in karma and retributions, these beliefs have been passed down (generationally) so that people will live their lives in fear and trembling and under the control of the prevailing religious pundits. These are the same “holy” ones who declare “God’s Will” whenever there is no-one else to blame.

From our perspective there is no ultimate plan, except for growth and the continuation of the life process on the physical. On the spiritual levels it’s another matter. At times this becomes difficult for us to express. Here we can only offer guidelines because each entity experiences the physical and non-physical in a unique and personal manner. Regarding destiny, understand that the physical body chosen, is one that will offer certain advantages and disadvantages in life. This allows souls to have a physical experience, which permits them to gain direction in and understand the truths of physicality. That is the true extent of destiny.

A physical body is not something that a spirit slips into and then out of, like a pair of shoes. Physicality is something that once the integration of body and soul takes place, spirit becomes whole with that physicalness for the duration of that body’s existence. When first arriving on the earth there are certain visions that each soul would like to see unfold and specific issues intended for resolution throughout that life. Rather than destiny you may consider this more as a contract. For example it could be something such as how to love yourself or others. Perhaps it might be to communicate in certain ways with others. These and countless other such activities will add value to your path once understood on a spiritual level while in the physical. Outside of this, no one entity’s life is controlled or planned by any other Being – Supreme or otherwise. Other activities challenge flexibility and the ability to stay on track to discover one’s intended path. Each lifetime is a new original experience and could not allow for originality or growth on an individual basis if it were pre-destined.


There is a belief, which is prevalent in many new age circles, that it’s a privilege for a spiritual entity to have a physical body and that there are not enough bodies to go around. Can you comment?


This is a belief made up by those who have physical bodies (ha, ha). The truth of the matter is that spirit is everywhere and is everything. There is nothing outside of spirit. Everything is contained within it. This is what we mean when we speak about the Unicellular Universe. It is a congruent, infinite whole and yet within it is the containment of all levels of existence and understanding – even different dimensions as you would see them from the physical perspective.

When you ask specifically about the energies of individuals, it’s important to see that as a spirit manifests in the physical, it’s expressed in all of the physical universe becoming an integral part of all that is and – importantly – affecting the total picture through it’s physical appearance.

Spirit is evident in the wavelengths of the light emitted by the stars and the energy transformed by a black hole. It’s evident in the movement of single celled creations in the darkest corners of the world, the depths of the oceans, or in the hottest deserts where life thrives. Spirit is alive where life as it is defined by your science, does not flourish. Outer space, which you consider to be a vacuum, is not empty; it’s a combination of different wavelengths and elements, such as radiation and sound which are not carried by any atmosphere, but by interdimensional essences which also move within and without the physical universe. All that is – all things, contain the energy of life and existence.

Therefore you can’t say that a spirit is waiting to get into a physical body. This is a human conception. Rather, all such symbiotic interactions are synchronistic and operate within their own time frame.


Is there a preapproval process regarding a particular physical life that a soul wants to experience?


There is no one to approve or disapprove, and this is not what happens. What occurs is that a decision is made by the spirit entity for actual contacts, including the direction for a place and time of birth, parents etc.

You do not arrive with a life script in your hand which will unfold through its’ own volition. Before birth, souls will make agreements to have relationships with each other while passing through the physical. As you are aware, many souls often incarnate together in groups, and subsequently, they will have similar energies about them while they are physically alive. There are no immutables to physical existence other than physical birth and death.

It is important to know that certain contractual agreements are made before arrival, but do not have to be met if that existence precludes their undertaking. Certain agreements between entities to meet in the physical may be made which will enable them to share certain interactive experiences book their lifetimes. Such meetings can become the basis for new creative experiences.

Here the question of how this happens becomes essential, for you may recall we have indicated that nothing is pre-destined. It’s not as if two spirits come to earth with a prior arrangement to meet at the corner of 24th and Vine for a coffee at one p.m. on July 4th in such and such a year. What happens is that you grow in your lives becoming more tuned to the physical and then to the spiritual. Your “In-tune-wishing” will draw you towards others of an equivalent energetic basis, those of similar degrees of progress in life – as they would be drawn to you. At the perfect time you will then have that opportunity to ross paths and connect. There is a universal part of you, a universal all-knowing self that recognizes kindred spirits on a Subliminal level.

Outside of your family and friendships, at times you will “recognize” someone and you will share whatever you need to share and then go your way. It’s the same thing when others share things with you. It’s as if you are somewhere and suddenly, a key is turned and information flows forth for the advantage of either yourself or others. This is a natural ability that all entities hold and in particular, a proficiency of those who are on a spiritual path which is leading them away from believing that everything is centered on the physical.


Does God hear us when we pray?


Of course, Understand that every entity who would pray to God, is a part of the original God energy. This is the only way it can be. Everyone is hooked into or mainstreamed within the God energy. In fact, not only does God hear you when you speak, God is a part of you, as you are a part of God! You could exist without God no more than God could exist without you. It’s a perfect symbiotic relationship.

It’s important to recognize that when someone’s words are spoken to God, God cannot help but hear them. Be aware that god is not always revealed in the form of a burning bush. Nor does a hand descend from the heavens to pull someone out of trouble. God will appear in the form of one of God’s creations. Your prayers can be answered by others around you, or by circumstances which emerge as a result of your petitions. The intervention of God can come as a heightened sense of understanding about a situation or person, which raises you above the pettiness of the interactions which were occurring at the time. By doing so, it will provide you with an opportunity to achieve more success. First as an individual and then in a biological and reproductive sense, as a member of your species.


When you talk about divine intervention, are you referring to the assistance of one’s spiritual guides and the higher self as well?


In one sense yes, but some people misinterpret guides, thinking that they are a collection of superheroes waiting in the wings to save them. Guides are neither superheroes, nor are they waiting to save you, and neither is God. All individuals have received their “part” of the Universal Mind. It is up to each person to develop this, and by doing so, come into contact with those energies that we have been discussing with you. It’s a matter of becoming sophisticated enough, to interact on many different levels, being able to have the right focus to connect and to make the correct choices when you undergo any state which is reactive. Each one of you must discover your own way to direct those energies of which you are eternally a part.


Are there such things as guardian angels and do we have spirit guides?


First, do not confuse angels with spirit guides. A spirit guide is the energy of an entity who had previously existed on the earth plane. It is one who chooses that role, is a member of the same soul group, and is part of a creative process with another soul who is physical. As a result, one entity is physical and the soul aspect of the other can be viewed as representing a guide. Do understand that a guide is there for an entity’s feeling of security and to provide and understanding that one is not alone. Regarding the function of a guide to provide specific information, or actually to do things for another soul, it’s not a part of the process in the way that some would imagine.

There are those who would say that they have no wish to have somebody whispering in their ear, and telling them what to do or what to think. The connection with a spirit guide does not exist in that way. The relationship tends to be one of providing insight, particularly the knowledge that the conscious mind has a link to the spirit realm that takes place through its connection with a spirit guide.

These guides do exist and can be seen. It’s possible to create an internal dialogue between a guide and oneself, in order to deal with certain conditions. Most people have never experienced this form of direct communication. Instead, they have a feeling of being protected and supported, or experience a sense of having someone close and nearby. This allows an individual to feel comfortable, centered and unafraid.

Each person has several or multiple guides – not just one. Some are there for a short time and then move on, while others are more permanent. Here is another concept related to spirit guides. Don’t exclude those around you in the physical as well. Some of your friends or relations may be serving as your spirit guides – even though they are still in the flesh. They can have important information to impart to you through their experiences and their concern for your well being. Look around you – open your heart wide and you shall not be disappointed for there are many on all planes of existence that can be included as contributors to your growth process.


Do angels really exist?


Angels are what we will refer to as a thought collective. For example, people think of the Archangel Michael. This is part of a legend that has been passed down from generation to generation. Over the centuries many have prayed to this Angel and in doing so have actualized its essence. On the physical plane, when mind forms focus on a specific belief, it becomes reality by taking form through the creative process. The mind is a creation of what some refer to as God. That which is a creation of God, has the opportunity to have godlike abilities and can create other things, including angels. This is why angels have been construed as human like rather than having the form of something, which spontaneously existed prior to the creation of humanity.

Nevertheless, this does not prevent them from appearing to mankind as figures of great strength, for example Raphael or Metatron Angels as you know them, have arisen from Judeo-Christian belief systems, whereby they were thought to have been created from the God energy. It is important to also see their appearance particularly as representatives of a Creative Power in most of your early civilizations – notably Rome, where they were represented as “cupids and seraphim”. Since those earlier times, angels have become an established belief system almost separate from your modern Christianity. In this way they have become connected to people on the physical plane. For the people on the earth, angels create a system of both support and belief. If one totally believes in the existence of angels and furthermore, has a complete emotional commitment to the concept, then angels will appear, and conversations can take place. In other words, it’s belief that makes them real. In the same way, this is how other entities of a similar nature exist. It’s a result of that which has been concentrated upon by humans over a period of time, which in turn, creates the manifestation.

We hope that you’ve enjoyed this material and we look forward to having more posted in the near future. Any comments or insights are always welcome.